For those of you who have never attended FSA's Adoption Walk during National Adoption Awareness Month, here is some information that might be helpful.
Submitted by adoptive parent Kamarie K:
Some of you may be wondering what this is all about, well I will tell you. This event is for anyone who wants to support adoption or has been touched by adoption in any way. Last year was my first opportunity to participate and it was awesome! We had fun, we felt loved from all who participated and we walked in celebration of the beautiful miracle adoption.
One thing we do is we walk with a sign on our backs, on this sign we write who we are celebrating that day. We walked with Ruthie's name and her birth family's names on our backs. We were hoping they could come last year, but they were not able to. Maybe this year!
My sister and brother in law had their niece come who is a birthmother who had lovingly placed her baby boy in the arms of his family. It was an honor to have her there with us, as well as many other birth parents who came to support their children and their families. I took the liberty of asking the people who came to support us last year what their experience was like to share with all of you. Some of them have responded, so I will copy their responses to let you read what a great experience you too can have if you will join us.
"My most favorite thing about the adoption walk was more than just one thing....every person whom I chatted with was so energized and filled with happiness because of their experience of joy they have had with adotpion. Hearing happy parents tell their stories of their little one's adoption journey were priceless. Family members and friends were there to support their loved ones as they celebrated their adoption experiences. The feeling that I felt at Liberty Park that morning was a really great feeling, and I was able to share that moment with my daughter." -Brooke H.
"I enjoy any activity that features babies and that activity showcased some beautiful children and the happiness in the eyes of parents every where was evident...." -Rick D.
"i loved it. I didn't know really what it was going to be but i was profoundly affected by it. to see blended families gathered together supporting one another was impressive and to read the names of the children on peoples back really moved me. all of the sudden adoption and all of it's layers became real to me. i knew what it had meant you and steve and was grateful for those series of miracles that had fallen into place but here i was also seeing several different sides to the adoption story for families. these are children of God with mothers (adopting and birth) who love their babies and want a good life for their child. It was unifying, building and moving. i was grateful for my own little babies and happy for all the families made possible through the adoptive process." -Mieka H.
JOIN US THIS YEAR on Saturday, November 6th!
Registration Begins at 9:30; Walk Begins at 10:00
Liberty Park is at 1100 S 600 E Salt Lake City
Registration Begins at 9:30; Walk Begins at 10:00
Liberty Park is at 1100 S 600 E Salt Lake City