A Journey Full of
My story through
adoption starts off at birth, but it doesn’t end there. It’s been an
interesting process for me to grow up as an adopted child and then become an
adoptive mother. As a child, adoption
was always a part of my future plans. I knew I wanted to adopt some of my
children but I assumed that it would happen later on in my life. I have always
been so grateful for my life; the life that my birth mother so selflessly gave
me; the life and the privileges that I was given when I was placed with my two
amazing parents. I wanted to be able to share that kind of love and that amount
of love with some of my future children as well.
Hello, my name is
Adrienne and I was adopted at birth. All of my three siblings were adopted at birth
as well. We grew up always knowing our own adoption stories and I never
understood why people considered adoption to be such a dramatic thing. I never
understood why they had stories of adoptions in dramas on tv. It just didn’t
seem like that big of a deal to me. It was a part of me, but it didn’t define
who I was and it didn’t define my siblings either. With that being said, I learned a whole new
side to adoption when my husband and I started on our journey of bringing a new
baby into our family.
My husband Kyle and I
have been married for a little over 12 years now. After many years of
infertility, Kyle and I were blessed beyond measure to be able to adopt our son
Hayden, who was born a little over 5 years ago. Wow, have my eyes been opened
during our journey through his adoption. I have so much more gratitude for my
birth mother after meeting Hayden’s birth mother and building a life long
relationship with her. I have also learned and grown so much as an adoptive
mother. My love and appreciation for my parents has grown immensely after going
through the adoption process and really learning and knowing how much I was
loved before I was ever even placed with my parents. Going through the adoption
process IS emotionally draining and it CAN be very dramatic. But when you hold
your child in your arms for the first time, it makes it all worth it. Adoption
is a true miracle and I feel blessed to have been a part of it with

The very moment I saw and held Hayden for the first time!
We had a relatively
smooth adoption process with Hayden. We met his birth mother through the L.D.S.
Family Services website and our relationship blossomed from there. We lived in
different states and only had a few months to get to know each other before
Hayden was born. We only got the chance to meet face to face with her one time;
a month before she went into labor. That
is where we instantly fell in love with her and grew close to her and her
mother. She called us a little less than a month after our first/only meeting
to tell us that she went into labor. We flew out on the very next flight to
meet our newest little miracle. We spent the next two days visiting Hayden and
his birth family in the hospital, until it was time for them to be discharged
from the hospital. At that point, we went through one of the most spiritual and
most heart wrenching experiences of our lives. His birth mother placed him into
my arms, gave us all one last hug and then said her final good byes. There were
no dry eyes for any of us. I was
literally sucking air. I couldn’t
breathe and I didn’t want to let go of her, but I knew I had to. That was such
a hard part of her journey, I didn’t want to make it harder for her. There was
a moment when she had left and I was standing at the front doors of the
hospital, all by myself with Hayden in my arms, waiting for Kyle to pull the
car around to pick us up. I have never felt so much love, joy, sorrow and grief
all at the same time as I did at that very quiet moment just standing there
holding, smiling at and loving my new little miracle. That was a dramatic
experience that I will never forget. That was where my gratitude for his birth
mother, my birth mother and my parents grew ten fold.
But, we were not even
remotely prepared for the little scare that we had the very night that Hayden
was placed with us. Late that night we got a phone call from our case worker
telling us that Hayden’s birth mother said she wanted him back. But as you can
see, she did follow through with her plan of adoption with us and we are all
grateful, as is she, that Hayden is a part of our family. We have been grateful for him and his
miraculous adoption every single day since.
Through that experience I learned a great deal of love and compassion
for his birth mother and for my very own birth mother. I had no idea what a
true sacrifice of love adoption was until I experienced it first hand. I started to understand that my life WAS a
true miracle and blessing and I knew Hayden’s was as well. I couldn’t be more
grateful for Hayden, if I tried!
first day we took him “home” to our hotel room
Feeding Hayden for the first time in the hospital room with
our birth family
We were approved as an
adoptive couple again this past January. We were a little hesitant to start the
process over because it was such an emotionally draining experience before.
There is that word again, emotional. I knew our next experience was going to be
harder, because I was aware of the possibility of loosing our next child... or
possibly never even getting one. Kyle and I both felt that we had to mentally
gear up to start over. Hayden was 4 1/2 when we got approved again and we knew
that it was time to face adoption again so that he could have the joys, that
only siblings can bring in life.
We were shocked when
we got a call from our case worker at the end of January telling us that there
was a birth couple that was interested in us and wanted to get to know us
better. We received our first email from the birthparents, introducing
themselves and wanting to get to know more information about us. We emailed
back and forth, building a relationship with them for a couple of weeks.
We all decided that it was time to meet face to face and drove the 5
hours that it took to meet them. That’s where we fell in love with this birth
family. The birth father was not able to be there for the meeting, so we got to
know the birth mother better at our meeting with her case worker. We felt like she
got to know us really well that day as well. We all laughed, cried and spoke
openly of our hopes for the future with this birth mother and her child. Later
that night, the birth mother threw us a surprise baby shower with her family to
celebrate “our new baby boy”. We were over the moon! It was official, we had
fallen in love with this beautiful person, her family and we were so grateful
to have them all in our lives.
We immediately
called our parents and told them the wonderful news. We were warned by our case
worker that this adoption might not actually come about because of the birth
father and the fact that we hadn’t met him or talked to him. So we made sure to
tell our families that we could all be cautiously optimistic about having a new
baby boy in a few weeks!!!
We were so
excited! We got home and told Hayden the wonderful news that he was going
to be an older brother. He was so excited that he was going to be getting
a little brother soon. He would run out of the front door most days
screaming, "I'm getting my baby soon"!! We didn't tell him when
it was going to happen, we just told him that it was going to happen. It
was important to me for him to be able to feel like he got to be a part of the
joys of bringing a new family member into our home. He didn’t need to know who
was placing with us or when they when the baby was coming, just that the baby
was coming. But he could tell that we were preparing for our newest little
miracle. We bought a new bassinet, bottles, an Easter Basket... everything.
So we were trying
to prepare for a new baby in our home without trying to be too excited about it
actually happening. We were told to be cautiously excited about welcoming a new
little spirit into our family. How do you prepare for a new little one without
getting attached? It's nearly impossible to do such a thing. I waited for
a couple of weeks after the birth mother had picked us and then I started
buying little outfits, toys, burp clothes, etc... It's hard to not picture what
your life is going to be like in the next couple of weeks, especially with the
possibility of a new little miracle being added to it.
The middle of
March we started getting some scary news. We were learning that the birth
father wasn't really on board with us as the adoptive parents (even though he
had never met us) and that his mom was trying to stop the whole thing and have
them keep the baby. Thursday, March 15th is when I got THE call. The
birth mom called and told me that she had gone into labor. She wanted to know if
we would like to drive down (a 5 hour trip) and meet her in the hospital and
also finally meet the birth father. Of course I had to say yes, it was coming
straight from her and I told her good luck and that we loved her and would be
thinking about her.We were packed and out of the house in less than two hours.
We even had our hotel room booked and ready for us when we got there. We
had Hayden packed for the weekend with the grandparents, our own items packed,
gifts for the birth parents, a pack and play, a car seat, and every possible
baby item you could think of. We were going down and relying on faith that
everything would work out for the best. It was really our only option. We were
asked to be there by the birth mother and we were going to be there for her, to
support her in her decision to place with us.
We both slept
horribly that night. We didn't hear anything until around 12:00 on Friday
afternoon. Her caseworker called us and told us that the birth mother was going
to call us when she was ready for us to come over to the hospital and meet with
the birth father. We tried to keep busy, but its hard to really do anything
because you have to be available for each phone call and ready to drop whatever
you are doing so you can head over to either the agency or hospital when you're
asked to. We got to know our hotel room and t.v. very well that weekend!
Around 4:30 on
Friday afternoon, the birthmother called us and wanted us to come over and meet
the birthfather and talk with the two of them for a little bit. Well, we got
there when his mother was just walking into their hospital room. We had put
together a little goody bag for each of them and we hugged and said our first
greetings and introduced ourselves. His mom literally acted as if we weren't even
in the room. I have never been treated so rudely in my whole entire life. It
was such an unwelcome situation that we didn't even get much of a chance to say
anything to the birth father and felt like we had to leave 10 minutes after
walking into the room. We felt so bad because we really wanted to be
there to support the birth mother like she had asked us to, but there was
really nothing more that we could say or do. We were cordial and asked every
possible question that we could think of to keep the conversation going, but no
one else in the room was talking, and when you're being thrown invisible
daggers by someone that you don't even know, you eventually just have to walk
away. That was rough. I have never let anyone have enough power over me
that they actually made me cry in front of them. She ALMOST made me cry,
but I didn't give her that. The birth mother had asked us to be there and so we
were there for her.
It all just seemed
to go down hill from there. As we were leaving the hospital room, I told the
birth parents to just keep in touch and that we'd be praying that everything
runs smooth for her. I told them to let us know if we could do anything for
either of them and told them that we loved them.
We didn't hear a
thing all night on Friday night. We sat around our hotel room and thought
for sure that we'd get a call in the middle of the night that little man had
been born. We didn't hear a thing... not a thing. We didn’t hear a thing
until Saturday afternoon, around 2:00.
We felt like we were going insane in our hotel room. We finally got a
call from their caseworker that the baby had been born on Friday night and that
the birth mother's parents thought that we had been informed. They were so
extremely embarrassed that we didn't even know. The birth mother’s caseworker
was going over to the hospital to talk to them because she didn't feel like the
birth father was on the same page as the birth mother was about the adoption
anymore. We picked them up some flowers to send with her so that they
would know that we were thinking of them. It was really all that we could do.
All we could do was wait some more. Wait and pray... horrible, horrible,
anxiously, scared, terrified waiting.
We finally heard
from her caseworker that night at 9:00, after she had met with both of them.
She said that the birth mother still didn't know what to do and that they would
give us an answer in the morning. We were asked to come down on Thursday night
and literally saw them for 10 minutes on Friday night with the most
excruciating treatment by his mother that either of us has ever experienced.
And now, we were asked to wait for their final decision... horrible,
horrible, anxiously, terrified, heart-broken waiting.
Saturday night was
not a fun night. We tried to sleep, but that's impossible when you're whole
future rests in the arms of two teenagers who haven't figured theirs out yet.
We didn't hear a thing until 10:45 Sunday morning. Of course you can guess the
final ending to our story... she changed her mind and they decided to keep the
baby and raise it together. Of course that is their right, he was never our
child in the first place. He would have only become our child at
placement and as you can see, that never happened.
The caseworker
told us that the birthmother was going to call us and tell us herself. Believe
me, that was not a phone call that I was looking forward to. She said she'd
probably call in the next 10 minutes, but she didn't call for a while. Again,
we were waiting for a very, very uncomfortable experience... horrible,
horrible, anxiously, heart-broken, grieving waiting. She finally called one and
half hours later, as we were headed out of town, on our way home. I didn't even
know what to say. What do you say in that situation? She seemed like she
was still unsure of her decision but told me that the birth father didn't want
to go through with the adoption. I know that having to call us must have been
one of the most difficult things for her. I just thanked her for letting us
know, because I know that must have been so hard for her to do and
told her that we loved her and truly wished the best for her. What else could I
say? It was the longest and hardest 5 minute phone conversation that I have
ever had in all of my life and all I could do was say those things over and
over again. I think she wanted me to tell her or reassure her that it was okay.
It was not okay! We truly do love her, we are obviously heart broken, but
we still love her. And we really do hope, for her and the child's sake,
that things work out for them. One of the hardest things about this whole
situation is that you grow to love this girl, who is going to be such a big
part of your life and your child's life and now she is just gone. Not only did
we loose our planned future with our newest little bundle of joy, but we lost
this special person whom we fell in love with too. It was definitely a double
loss and it just plain sucked. Adoption
is amazing when it works, but when it fails it is one of the hardest and most
painful things to go through. I was starting to see why tv dramas like to use
adoption stories all the time! We just
lived through “an adoption tv drama” and it was something that I’d never wish
to go through again.
The one thing that
I am grateful for is that I didn't get to actually meet and hold that baby. I
didn't have a chance to bond with him and then have him taken away from me. He
was always just a possibility for me, and in the end, he never was. I am truly
grateful for that. We are grieving that loss, but we all have each other
and we will make it through this together... stronger.
Hayden will be
okay. I made sure that we didn't tell him why and that nobody else told
him why we were really heading out of town. That wouldn't be fair to do to him
if the adoption wasn't a sure thing... and it obviously wasn't. We just told
him we were going on a trip for a very important meeting and that he gets to
have a sleepover with Grandma and Nana all weekend. And all I said to him
(before all of the horribleness went down) was that we didn't know when our
baby was coming and that we might have to wait a long time for him. I'm so
grateful I said that. In fact, I asked him why it's taking Heavenly Father so
long to send us "his baby" (that's what Hayden calls him)? He told me
that Heavenly Father and his baby are up in heaven, swimming through the
clouds. I truly believe that our next little miracle is up in Heaven
("swimming through the clouds") with Heavenly Father, just watching
excitedly and waiting to join our family.
Hayden is such a great example to me of true faith and belief in KNOWING
without a doubt that “his baby” will be with us very soon. He prays for our
baby every single night without fail.
sad to say that this isn’t the end of our story either. We have now survived
two more failed adoptions since then. Each experience completely different from
the first, but all devastating in their own right.
second failed adoption was much like the previous one, but we had the
opportunity to get to know that birth mother even more. We went out to eat
often and spoke often. She told us many times that she was sure she was going
to place with us. She promised on several occasions that she would never do to
us what the previous birth mother had. But we had learned that we couldn’t
expect anything after that first experience. We really did adore this second
birth mother so much, which made it that much more devastating when she changed
her mind at the very last minute and decided that she wasn’t sure if she wanted
to place with us or possibly wanted to place with a couple that would have a
more open relationship with her. To this day, I don’t believe that she has
placed her child for adoption. That loss was almost unbearable to go through.
We spent several months talking, emailing, texting and going out to eat.
Getting to know her and the birth father. And then days before she was
scheduled to be induced, she changed her mind. We have had to move on, but it
has been a very rough couple of months for us.
our last failed adoption experience was a short relationship (literally two
weeks), where the birth couple never fully decided to ask us to be the adoptive
parents, so when they changed their minds after the birth, it didn’t hurt as
much. It was still rough; like we were living in the Twilight Zone, but we
didn’t feel the loss of relationship with the birth parents as we did in the
first two failed adoptions.
So... here we are.
We’ve put away all of our baby things. We’ve closed the door to the nursery and
we don’t plan to open it until our baby is with us and the papers have been
signed. Kyle and I are planning for a new future. Where do we go from here? We
are okay; we will heal from this. We have each other and our relationship is stronger than ever. We have definitely felt many major losses
this year, but we will survive and eventually move on. We are ready to start
over again. It might take us a while, but we will get there. We will be praying
that a new relationship with a new birth family will be a good, strong
relationship that will make it through the birth and hopefully throughout our
lives. Just like our wonderful, amazing relationship with Hayden's birth
mother. We truly thank the Lord everyday for Hayden and we are so grateful that
she loved him so much that she wanted him to have the best life possible; a
life full of love with two parents. We are blessed beyond measure to be those
two parents for all of eternity. Adoption is truly a miracle and we are ready
for our next little miracle... hopefully sooner rather than later. We can do
this! We have THE MOST AMAZING son that anyone could ever ask for. How lucky
are we? After having my moments to cry over these past couple of months, I just
look at my two boys and know how blessed I am to have them in my heart and life
AND eternity forever. We will all survive this.
best thing that Kyle and I can do now is to MOVE FORWARD. It has somehow become
our life motto over this past year and we will continue on our journey through
adoption, with faith that our newest family member is just around the corner.
We are sad to go through this heartache over and over, but we are ready to
start anew and we have faith that this WILL HAPPEN for us... eventually.
things that I have learned throughout these processes this year have a lot to
do with love and forgiveness. The things that we’ve gone through have been
emotionally exhausting. We loved these girls so much and then lost them in our
lives. But we will always love them. How can we not? We were hurt by their
choices, but we have been able to move forward through saying goodbye and
telling them that we will always love them and will always hope the best for
them in their journey. Just being able to tell each one of them that was
helpful in our healing process. This has definitely been a journey full of love
and sometimes forgiveness... and of course, some drama! Who knew? :) We are ready to start that
journey over again.
I took this picture after we
got the bad news of our second failed adoption.
sun always comes out after the storm... it was a good reminder to me that this
heartache will eventually pass and I will have my new future with our newest
little one in it. My family DOES have a bright future and I am sure going to enjoy
every single minute that I can have with them. I AM BLESSED!